Behavior Code

Policy Type
Policy Audience


The Council Bluffs Public Library aims to enrich, inform, and empower our community.  To do this, the library provides a safe and comfortable public space for all residents and require that all library users comply with posted rules and follow instructions as provided by Library staff.  Additionally all local, state, and federal laws must be adhered to while in the facility, interacting with library staff, and on Library property.

  • Failure to abide by the Behavior Code may result in expulsion according to Policy 3.11, police action may become the basis for criminal charges and/or restitution.
  • In general the following guidelines are used to determine appropriate behavior while unitizing library services and resources.
    • No harm is being caused to self or others.
    • Behavior adheres to all laws.
    • Language and behavior is appropriate for a shared space for all ages to enjoy.
    • Safe environment for all to enjoy the library.

The following list is not exhaustive and is provided as example of inappropriate behavior.  The final determination may be dependent upon situation, duration, and frequency of incident.

  • The Library does not allow in the building:
  • Eating food other than convenience snacks. Convenience snacks are defined as dry snacks that have not been heated/refrigerated.
    • Food is allowed in Meeting Rooms, with prior approval from Library staff. Eating anywhere in the Library is a privilege that may be revoked if individuals/groups do not clean up after themselves.
  • Beverages without lids.
  • Pets or other animals unless necessary for assisting individuals with disabilities or part of a Library sponsored program.
  • Patrons without clothing and footwear.
  • Misuse of bathrooms or other spaces identified for a specific purpose.
  • Anything with a strong scent that is disruptive to the use of the library or materials.
  • Oversized parcels and or containers that are larger than 18” X 24”.
  • Shopping carts, bicycles or other wheeled conveyances: exceptions include wheelchairs, baby strollers, or carriages used for the actual transportation of a person or child, or wheeled backpacks, book carriers or briefcases.
  • The Library does not allow in the building or on its premises:
  • Any disruptive behavior which interferes with the use or enjoyment of the Library or which causes distress to patrons or staff including but not limited to running, pushing, shoving, yelling, loud voices, noise from electronic devices, horseplay, climbing, harassing, stalking, throwing objects, sleeping or excessive displaying of affection.
  • Loitering by individuals or groups that interferes with the use or enjoyment of the Library or causes distress or intimidates patrons or staff.   
  • Loitering by individuals or groups, or leaving unattended personal items which block or interfere with patron access or exit of the building or are a threat to public safety.
  • Demonstrations or protests, unless they are confined to a leased portion of the library for which an agreement has been entered. 
  • Smoking, vaping or use of other tobacco products, including electronic cigarettes.
  • Abusive language or threatening gestures.
  • Falsifying information, disrespecting staff, or failing to follow staff directions.
  • Fighting, challenging to fight, or other violent behavior.
  • Alcohol, illegal drugs or persons intoxicated or under the influence of drugs or chemicals.
  • Weapons as defined by City Code 8.75.010 or use of items to impersonate or be used as a weapon.*
  • Vandalism, misuse, or moving of Library materials, equipment, furniture or supplies.

*Possession of Weapons within the library adheres to City Code 8.75.020 which complies with State laws covering public spaces.


Adopted: December 1992

Amended & Reapproved: July 1996; October 1997; July 19, 2000; June 19, 2002; October 15, 2003; June 20, 2007; May 19, 2010; February 26, 2011; July 13, 2011; October 23, 2013; November 18, 2015; March 16, 2016; October 18, 2017; March 21, 2018; September 18, 2019; September 23, 2022

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