Discovery Pass reservation is down
Discovery Passes cannot be reserved or used at the moment due to our reservation website being down. Contact the Circulation desk at 712-323-7553 Option 2 to cancel a reservation or more information.
Test Proctoring
Minimum Capacity
Maximum Capacity
Library Branch
Council Bluffs Public Library
Your instructor must have already approved the Council Bluffs Public Library as a proctoring site AND sent the necessary proctoring instructions to
The Council Bluffs Public Libary can offer the following regarding Test Proctoring:
- Test Proctoring when adequate personnel, facilities and technology are available.
- Proctoring is conducted by the library staffing the Reference Desk at the time of the exam. Individual librarians are not assigned to proctor specific exams or students.
- Library staff proctor exams from the Reference Desk; library staff observes the student while performing other tasks and assisting other patrons. If your institution requires that the student receives constant, uninterrupted observation, the Library cannot proctor your exam.
- Exams must be completed within a half-hour before the Library closes.
- Windows 10 Computer w/ Office 2013